Post by IWA Mid-South on Dec 28, 2010 15:57:41 GMT -5
July 11, 2004–IWA Mid South Wrestling – One More Time in Lafayette, Indiana: Hillbilly Jed pinned Jason Dukes Ref: Tommy Thompson Samoa Joe beat Homicide by submission Ref: Tommy Thompson the man with no name vs Nate Webb was ruled a Double DQ Ref Tommy Thompson Delirious beat Colt Cabana and HC Loc when he pinned Loc Ref Mickie Knuckles NWA Mid-West IWA Mid-South Women's Champion Lacey retained the title by Knockout over Daizee Haze in a Knockout or Submission match Ref: Mickie Knuckles Arik Cannon pinned Tracy Smothers Ref: Mickie Knuckles IWA-MS World Tag Team Champions Brad Bradley & Ryan Boz retained the titles against The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos) when Bradley pinned Dunn Ref: Mickie Knuckles IWA-MS World Light Heavyweight Champion Matt Sydal retained the title against Austin Aries by pinfall Ref: Mickie Knuckles CM Punk beat Chris Hero by Knockout Ref Mickie Knuckles (Time-56Min14sec.) The final match of a Best of 7 Series (Shelley leads 3-2) Jimmy Jacobs beat Alex Shelley (This best of 7 would end on this night. Jacobs pinned Shelley to even the best of 7 to 3-3 before pinning him one more time to win the best of 7 series, 4-3) Ref: Tommy Thompson Click here to purchase this DVD: www.smartmarkvideo.com/IWA-Mid-South-DVD-One-More-Time-June-11-2004-Lafayette-IN/